Bible Abridged

Bible Abridged

Monday, February 23, 2015

Joel (Locusts)

Joel is another prophecy book and it’s not really a lot of fun to read, but it’s so short i didn’t even know it existed until recently.

Basically Joel just declares, “Hey check this shit out! Shit is going down! A locust swarm has left the great locust have eaten. What the great locusts left the young locusts have eaten. What the young locusts left the other locusts have eaten.” This is why it’s a good idea to have a proofreader or editor. 

Then he says, “Wake up you drunk fuckers! A beast has invaded! It has the teeth of a lion and the fangs of a female lion!” 

Shit is bad. But this writing is worse. 

He then declares that everyone needs to fast and pray. Then he refers to the Babylonians as locust. And says that they destroy the city like locusts. If you even wanna play a drinking game while in seminary, just have someone read this out loud and every time they say the word locust, you have to drink.

Then he talks about after the locusts ravage their land, god will restore it and Judah and Israel will be inhabited forever and god will forgive everyone for pissing him off and send the locusts away.

And that’s Joel. Short and sweet and full of locusts.

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