Nahum is a lot like Micah in that it’s just some guy predicting destruction. But Nahum decided to focus his predictions on the Assyrian capital, Ninevah. The place that Jonah didn’t want to go to.
He starts out talking about how pissed off god is at Nineveh. It literally starts out, “God is going to fuck up all of you because you’re pissing him off. God fucking destroys whatever displeases him. He’s very patient. Very loving. Very kind. But he will fucking kill all of you and not even think twice.”
The world was a much different place back then. And the definition of kind and patient back then must’ve just been “Allowing people to live sometimes.”
Anyways, it’s not very clear as to when he wrote this shit down. I’m not sure if it was before or after Jonah. But definitely he was sure that at some point Nineveh was going to collapse and it was because of their sins.
It’s important to note that Nineveh was the biggest city in the world for quite some time. It was the capital of the Assyrian empire and people say that it was founded by the great Nimrod himself. Also, some people say a lot of stupid things. So fuck them. Who cares?
Anyways, every quarrel that Nahum has with Nineveh is what every single people hates about every big city. His complaints seriously include, “people being victims of crime, people being murdered, chariots being loud, streets being crowded, and residents thinking that their city is better than other cities near it.”
So yeah. He ends by saying that at some point this city is going to fall. And it totally did at some point. Like I said, it’s not clear when this guy wrote this shit. But Nineveh was settled some time around 6000 BCE, by 3000 BCE it was a religious hub for followers of Ishtar. It was destroyed and rebuilt multiple times and then eventually crumpled into nothing around 612 BCE. 7 years before the end of the Assyrian empire.
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